Emergency Aid Program

Emergency Aid Program:

The Virginia Commonwealth Emergency Assistance Fund provides short-term financial help to undergraduate students facing unforeseen emergencies that may disrupt their academic progress. Eligible expenses include food, temporary housing, medical costs, family emergencies, technology replacement, transportation, and childcare.

To qualify, students must:

1. Be enrolled at Virginia Peninsula Community College (VPCC)
2. Be domiciled in Virginia (i.e., Virginia resident) and otherwise eligible for in-state aid.
3. Meet academic progress standards (Satisfactory Academic Progress – SAP).
4. Have a completed FAFSA or VASA application.
5. Demonstrate financial need.
6. Accept all offered VPCC financial aid before applying.

The emergency fund offers up to $2,000 (determined by application) per emergency, and students can apply once per academic year (Fall, Spring, or Summer). It does not impact the student’s financial aid and cannot replace existing funds.

To Apply:

• Review and accurately complete the Student Request for Emergency Aid Application

• Provide contact information.
• Specify the amount requested (an explanation and documentation of the expense/cost to the student must support this).
• Describe the emergency, with supporting documentation if applicable.
• Include required supporting documentation.

• Application Review Process:

• The Emergency Aid application is reviewed by a designated committee, which makes decisions based on available funds and prioritization of applications.

• Notification To Student:

• The student will be notified of the decision as soon as possible, depending on the urgency and processing time. Notifications will be sent via the Message Center in SIS.

VPCC Emergency Aid Application